Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Commenting 101

Dear Invisible Readers,
I know you're out there. I know you're out there because sometimes you tell me you read my blog. I'm going to tell you a secret today: I want you to leave comments on my posts. Comments make me feel famous. Please help my ego out. Tell me what you think. Do you like something? Do you have a question? Do you want to say, "Hi, I was here"? Do you want to tell me what you ate for lunch? Do you want to tell me I'm off my rocker? Whatever you're thinking, please tell me. It makes you seem less invisible, and it makes me smile. If you don't know how to comment, fear not! I'm about to show you.

If the white comment box does not automatically appear at the end of a post, you can get to it in two ways: 1. Click on the post's title, highlighted in blue; 2. Scroll to the bottom of the post and click on the link indicating the number of comments the post has.

After you've typed your comment in the white text box, you must choose how you would like to be identified. This blog is hosted by Google, so your first option is to sign in with your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, don't want to sign in, or want to be creepy and comment anonymously, select Name/URL or Anonymous from the drop-down menu. Selecting Name/URL allows you to enter your name and identify yourself without signing in. Click on the Publish button, and congratulations, you have just left me a comment and I think you're awesome.

Now, go forth and comment on my posts from here on out! Make me feel special! Tell me what you think! This Commenting 101 lesson is filed under completely random if you ever need to reference it again.


  1. OKAY, okay you caught me. I read your blog a lot...and posting this reminded me that I've been meaning to comment and show you this website, which you very will might already know about and love, but you might not know about it. And in that case, you NEED to, because I think you'd love some of the ideas and designs as much as i do.

    1. Oh, I have seen some of these images before, but from a different source! THIS IS AWESOME. Megan, you rock! See you tonight. :)

  2. Hey lady! I read your blog too! And I feel like I get to see you because of it. Your life looks so colorful and so you.

    Wishing you the very best.
